Going to Mexico? Visit Playa Blanca

Traveling is an essential part of life. If you think it isn't, it usually means you haven't really traveled at all and most likely have no idea what you are talking about. If you've traveled too much already, that could explain it, at least a bit.

So far I have traveled in Europe - mainly in France, a bit in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany...and so on. But I have thought of going in other directions as well. Mexico is one country I'd really love to go to. No big cities, just some small nice beach towns like San Carlos. Or why LIKE San Carlos, this town by itself might be a perfect selection.

This little town hosts everything you might look for a great vacation - extraordinarily beautiful beaches, diving possibility, offshore fishing, tennis courts, even museums for you culture freaks. I'm myself more into...doing nothing...or doing something. I'd like to put museums between the two.

Even though the san carlos rentals prices in the nicest parts might not be perfect for me, a nice beach front rental for 150 bucks a night ain't too much either.

Once in San Carlos, I wouldn't mind visiting Playa Blanca. You could say it's a small and compact village. To some it looks like a place in the middle of nowhere but actually, as much as I have heard, it's definitely a place worth visiting and staying in for a while.

I don't know what you might be looking for, but I personally would like to visit Mexico and to see the nicer places to begin with, I might start searching for rentals san carlos and start collecting the money. How about you?

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