5 Travel Destinations for Cat Lovers
Every day, millions of cat lovers adopt these felines or watch funny videos with them in foreground. If you are one of them and you like traveling as well, there is a wide array of destinations you can visit to enrich your life spectrum and enjoy one-of-a-kind experiences. Whether we talk about cat cafes and other places where cats can receive special treatments, these destinations offer unique views that will surely surprise you and will make you love cats even more.
Cat Cafes, Japan
One gr...
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5-Travel-Destinations-for-Cat-Lovers--105.htmlEnjoy Exquisite Sihanoukville This Year
"Venture inside Cambodia's premier beach destination"
Cambodia captures a fair amount of tourists every year and one of the most exclusively visited destinations is none other than Sihanoukville, which is a famous metropolitan that exhibits history along its cultural spaces and a beautiful ambience to enjoy a family trip.
If the sands call upon you, Sihanoukville is your ideal destination in Cambodia on the Gulf of Thailand. Famously known as Krong Preah Sihanouk, this...
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Enjoy-Exquisite-Sihanoukville-This-Year--103.htmlTop 4 Destinations for Extreme Sports Fans
For extreme sports fans, a summer or winter holiday definitely is the best time of the year to practice their favorite sports and enjoy unrivaled opportunities. Whether we talk about scuba diving, bungee jumping, paintball, skydiving, climbing or alpinism, each of these extreme sports can offer unique, one-of-a-kind possibilities to those sports lovers who really want to experience amazing opportunities. What are the must-visit destinations for extreme sports fans?
AtmosphAir Skydivin...
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Top-4-Destinations-for-Extreme-Sports-Fans--99.htmlMaui By Air The Best Way Around The Island
Maui helicopter tours are a great way to see the island from a different perspective and have a fun adventure. If you have never been on a helicopter before, this is a great place to do it. You will see all the beauty that Maui has to offer and can have a great time for the entire family. Tours are not too expensive and last from forty five minutes to over an hour. You can see places that are typically inaccessible with Maui helicopter tours. Places that are not available by foot or vehi...
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Maui-By-Air-The-Best-Way-Around-The-Island--97.htmlHawaiian Islands
With its world-class beaches, lush tropical forests and wealth of things to see and do, there’s really no place on Earth quite like Hawaii. From the vibrant streets of Honolulu to the breathtaking scenery of Maui, Hawaii offers something for everyone. This travel guide explores Hawaii’s top attractions and places to visit. As stated on Feedster travel guide regarding the Hawaiian Islands,
Every Hawaiian island out of the six that make up the Aloha State is unique and special in its own way. G...
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Hawaiian-Islands--96.htmlThe top casinos to visit in Australia
Casino may not be the first thing that many think of when it comes to Australia, but the activity is just as popular there as sports betting is – and there are many fine casinos to be found there. The first port of call for anyone with a passion for the slots, roulette, poker and other casino favourites will surely be the Crown Casino in Melbourne. This place is so famous that it can even attract celebrity pros like Shane Warne to try out the thousands of slots and hundreds of table games. The C...
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The-top-casinos-to-visit-in-Australia--92.htmlDubrovnik: a city with a rich and varied history
Dubrovnik is one of Croatia’s best known and most historic cities, making it an outstanding place to explore if you enjoy cramming plenty of culture into your holidays. What makes Dubrovnik such a fascinating place to visit is its past, which is great fun to discover during a stay here.
Having stood on the edge of the Adriatic Sea for centuries and been ruled over by various civilisations - including the Greeks, Romans, Slavs, Venetians and Hungarians - as well as operating as an independent ...
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Dubrovnik-a-city-with-a-rich-and-varied-history--91.htmlBest Bites in Faro
I see myself as something of a foodie and, when I go away on holiday, there's nothing that I like doing more than to sample the cuisine of the places that I visit. On a recent trip to the Algarve I spent some time in the bustling city of Faro and found it simply amazing!
Given its coastal location, I don't think it will come as too much of a surprise that fresh fish and seafood are major ingredients in many of the local dishes. However, there are ample opportunities for both meat lovers and...
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Best-Bites-in-Faro--84.htmlTravel to Tartu and have a beer
Tartu is the second biggest town in Estonia. And Estonia is one of the Baltic States and is located between Finland, Russia and Latvia.
Tartu is basically a nice student town with 100k inhabitants. I'm not one of those 100k. The students, all 20k (or something) are extra.
There's no sea nor ocean nearby, no great mountains, even the weather is like everywhere else in Estonia (shit autumn weather 12months a year). Doesn't sound like much, does it? But it does - if a town doesn't have any o...
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Travel-to-Tartu-and-have-a-beer--71.htmlFinding the best Arizona rentals
I remember the first time I heard about United States of America. I was just couple of years old, most common travel locations I was aware of were Finland and Germany. Me being Estonian myself, I guess that explains it. Besides, when you're just a little child, you don't really know too many countries anyhow. And when I did discover the States, it wasn't because of anything related to travel, rather I had just found out I have an aunt there. I actually knew about Germany for the exact same reaso...
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Finding-the-best-Arizona-rentals--70.htmlGoing to Mexico? Visit Playa Blanca 
Traveling is an essential part of life. If you think it isn't, it usually means you haven't really traveled at all and most likely have no idea what you are talking about. If you've traveled too much already, that could explain it, at least a bit.
So far I have traveled in Europe - mainly in France, a bit in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany...and so on. But I have thought of going in other directions as well. Mexico is one country I'd really love to go to. No big cities, just some small nice ...
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Going-to-Mexico-Visit-Playa-Blanca---69.htmlFunny Dutch language
So I was in my motel room in Amsterdam,
Watching Forest Gump with Dutch subtitles...
....and I swear...
when someone called Forest Gump a "loser," the word that popped up in the subtitle was...........
Yes........due to the large Jewish presence here since the 1400s.......Yiddish words are part of Dutch.
Yesterday I saw a restaurant sign saying "restaurant Schimuck."
I saw a boat with a star of David on it and asked the guy if they were Jewish.....
He said no....
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Funny-Dutch-language--67.htmlIsrael vs. the USA
There is a more chaotic, take the law into your own hands here in Israel.
I recall getting my camera stolen by the teen next door in an apartment.
I called my Israel friend Avi and told him that i knew the kid in the next apartment had taken it.
He said not to call the police but simply to knock on the door and when they open the door, go inside and look for it.
That would not fly in the US. In the USA your home is your castle. Your property is sacro-sanct.
Anyone who forces entr...
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Israel-vs-the-USA--59.htmlIsrael - you don't see these thingsevery day
More things you don't see in the USA that you see in Israel...........
a guy shopping in the supermarket with a pistol in his belt.
guys hitch hiking with machine guns/ M-16s
dogs walking in the city........alone
people yelling at cops and gesturing aggressively
The Land of Milk and Honey.................is giving me gas.
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Israel---you-dont-see-these-thingsevery-day--55.htmlAntibes, Juan le Pins and all the sun
It's 3 hours later and I'm back in Nice. It's not that Antibes wasn't nice, it really was, and the beach ni Juan le Pins was great, it even had sand. But the warmth is really starting to get to me, I could use a few rainy days, and I'd be back to my normal mode.
After I had arrived in Antibes, I decided to go to the beach. Well, half an hour later I was in a beach, except that it wasn't the beach of Antibes but rather the beach of Juan le Pins. But that's okay, from what I've heard, this is ...
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Antibes-Juan-le-Pins-and-all-the-sun--52.htmlDay 5 - Nice weather, nice people, wifi and nice sights - all in Nice
Without knowing what to do really, I decided to walk around the Nice again, found a 4.50 half a litre bear in the port area, enjoyed the sun near the Nice port and did nothing.
I guess that's what a real vacation should look like for a normal person. Drank some beer again, can't do without it, talked to the hotel manager I'm in - Hotel Darcy...the 40 euro not so good hotel. But it just got better, for me anyway. Not the room, or anything else like that. But, as I'm working on my vacation as ...
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Day-5---Nice-weather-nice-people-wifi-and-nice-sights---all-in-Nice--50.htmlNice - still a good thing
It's 7pm, I'm sitting near the beach in a bar called Akathor, drinking happy hour beer (EUR 3.70 for half a litre, ain't bad considering the normal prices) and huh, beer is good, again.
I did go to the beach as intended, the whole 45 minutes, just can't stay doing nothing for so long time at once. Even moving around without any purpose is better for me, so ... usually I do. Went shopping, just to get some cheap clean clothes. I did.
Now I'm in the happy hour bar, Akathor, been here couple ...
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Nice---still-a-good-thing--47.htmlBack in Nice, off to beach
Here I am, back in Nice, last night had to go for a 60 euro not so good hotel. It's high season and my kind of travelling isn't the easiest. Right now it's 11am, I have got myself another hotel for 42.50...it's located near the bars I found wireless so I'll see if I have it in my room as well later, would be great, haven't seen the room yet, it's available in about 2 hours.
I decided to finally go to the beach today, bought myself a small mattress for 2 euros. If you see prices like 15 euros ...
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Back-in-Nice-off-to-beach--46.htmlLes Arcs - where the hell am I?
When I sat down in the bus which wasn't supposed to go to St. Raphael but rather some place called Les Arcs I kind of thought it must be a place nearby, a place near the coast. I wasn't right. Or well, 30 minute drive between the mountains from the coast into the mainland isn't too far, yes, but it's still a totally different place. At least there was a train station so I wasn't too worried.
However, I was out of cigarettes and I didn't find any tobacco shops in the train station...so I deci...
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Les-Arcs---where-the-hell-am-I--45.html8 things you see in Israel but not in the USA
1) Israeli guy taking a lead on the sidewalk, about 3 feet from the curb. He faces away but pees none the less.
I was driving by with avi driving and I said to the guy who peed....
"Sir, you can't pee like that on the sidewalk in America."
I said it with a smile and he smiled back and kept walking.
Avi laughed.
2) 2 handles/buttons on each toilet. One for pee and a little flush one for poop and a big flush..........only in Israel !
3) Arguing with major use of hands. Talking ...
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8-things-you-see-in-Israel-but-not-in-the-USA--39.htmlNice - I've got WIFI!
I arrived in Nice around 6am and decided I'd try to find myself a hotel. I've been here before so I knew where to look. However, unfortunately, pretty much all hotels I checked were either full or way too expensive. Considering I hadn't slept for 48 hours, I really needed a sleep and a shower. Before I finally managed to find a hotel for myself, I managed to sit down in a already familiar bar and order couple of coffees. And what do you know - the first place I sat down in, the fourth wireless I...
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Nice---Ive-got-WIFI--36.htmlMilan - city of ...something
I've always felt that Milan is just a city to travel through, I still believe that. The last hour I just walked around in hopes to find something I'd like to see..well, I didn't. Of course, I went in a random direction, then turned to some random direction and...well, now I'm just sitting down, drinking beer in a terrace of one bar called Carpe Diem (Catch the day). My next stop will probably be back to Milan Central Station where I'll try to decide where to go next. Don't really feel like stayi...
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Milan---city-of-something--33.htmlMorocco - work and poverty
In Morocco, everyone are working. Except for the mothers with their up-to-two-year-old children on the streets begging for money, it seems everyone in Morocco really are working.
Usually instead of begging people call their activities work. We don’t even have to talk about the numerous street-sellers here. Even though there’s really hundreds of people working in this „industry” on every street. Selling watches, perfumes, sunglasses, cleaning your shoes.
In many cases the „service” indust...
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Morocco---work-and-poverty--18.htmlJourney To Morocco and Western Sahara – Weeze, forgotten village?
It was December 3rd, the weather wasn’t too bad, especially considering when we started our trip, there were snowstorms. Now all that was there was a bit of rain. Our flight was supposed to leave at 7am the next day so we had loads of time to waste. It was around 16pm when we arrived in Weeze and now we decided to walk to the villages nearby to get something to eat and drink a beer or two.
The first little place we walked to was about 3 km from the airport and I think there was only one pub....
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Journey-To-Morocco-and-Western-Sahara-Weeze-forgotten-village--16.htmlJourney To Morocco and Western Sahara – Amsterdam, back in Morocco?
It was about midnight and we had no further plans. Yet we had two days til’ our flight back to Riga. Trying to decide where to go next, we considered taking a bus to Düsseldorf, or Essen, or Köln or ... at some point we noticed a bus to Amsterdam and decided to go to Netherlands instead.
We arrived in the Central Station of Amsterdam around 15 minutes before 3am. Some girls from United States were on the same bus and none of us wanted to pay for the hotel that night so we decided to find an ...
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Journey-To-Morocco-and-Western-Sahara-Amsterdam-back-in-Morocco--15.htmlJourney To Morocco and Western Sahara – Laayoune, where’s the snitch?
Upon making the decision to go to Western Sahara all I really expected to see was a usual bomb-hole. And what we saw during our first hour of stay there, it was exactly what I expected. But once we got to the “right side” of the town, it was as nice as Agadir or new town in Marrakech, why not. And in this part of the town there was really no sign of anything Western Sahara could represent. We found ourselves a hotel, paid something like 200 Dirhams for it again and except for the missing picture...
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Journey-To-Morocco-and-Western-Sahara-Laayoune-wheres-the-snitch--10.htmlJourney To Morocco and Western Sahara – Laayoune, Western Sahara
Fortunately by the time we got to Laayoune, the sun was already up and after a cold night in the bus we were starting to warm up. Besides the sandy football field with dozens of too many people were kicking the ball back and forth (as you can see, I’m not a huge football fan, shoot me) there was a closed cafeteria, shop for carpets and closed office for SupraTours (office for one of the normal bus companies), nearby we also noticed an internet cafe.
Before anything else we decided to smoke s...
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Journey-To-Morocco-and-Western-Sahara-Laayoune-Western-Sahara--9.htmlJourney To Morocco and Western Sahara – Agadir, a place for tourists?
Remember that in Morocco, taking one wrong turn might result in a number of wrong turns (in which cases you won’t even be able to decide on the last turn, confusing, eh?). And by taking the bus by a wrong company which cost more, took more time and was more uncomfortable than the “right” bus, we didn’t really reach Agadir but its transportation center (Inezgane) about 12km away from Agadir. The station for the better buses is also about 12 km from the center of the town, but these stations are s...
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Journey-To-Morocco-and-Western-Sahara-Agadir-a-place-for-tourists--7.htmlJourney To Morocco and Western Sahara - Welcome to Marrakech!
The name Marrakech comes from a Berber language and means a Land of God. With its one million inhabitants the city is divided between two parts – the new town (Gueliz) and the old town (Medina).
Couple of decades ago Marrakech not only was the name of the city, but referred to the country itself. Morocco as a country was known by many as the Kingdom of Marrakech.
Marrakech airport has been built to use solar energy to heat and power the building. While we were there, the screen showing a...
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