5 Main Factors When Choosing Your Working Destination Abroad
When choosing your working destination few factors have to be taken into full consideration. You probably don't want to end up in some town full of people that you don't like, with larger costs of living that you can afford or simply a country with erratic weather that you hate.
So, here are 6 most important factors which could help you in choosing your future destination:
Cost of Living
Probably the main thing when choosing your travel destination has to be cost of living. You ha...
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5-Main-Factors-When-Choosing-Your-Working-Destination-Abroad--104.htmlWhere the hell is Azerbaijan?
Now this was hilarious.................I am sitting at an outdoor cafe in Holon/ Avi's place and I meet these old codger dudes from Azerbaijan.....a muslim country.
Where? Try Turkey and go to the south east............
One guy is about 65....has half his teeth. Tanned and hardly speaks Hebrew though he has been in Israel for 5 years.
The other has alcohol tremors and had half his teeth which are dentures.........
The third is about 35 and served in the Israeli army and speaks Hebre...
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Where-the-hell-is-Azerbaijan--64.htmlMy great contribution to the Jewish State
My great contribution to the Jewish State is............
..........when I pee........I don't flush..........to save water.
Perhaps this will help save Israel..................and will hasten the coming of the Messiah....
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My-great-contribution-to-the-Jewish-State--61.htmlMusings from the Holy land...land of milk and honey and chutspa
I went to the first museum in the world related to the holocaust....the museum of the ghetto resistance fighters.
Memorable story by a polish Jew.
At age 13 her mother, during German occupation...took her to a polish family and got her work there.
The family asked her to take the cows to pasture but she had no experience with cows and was afraid of them but she managed with the help of a boy in the fields.
She was asked by the family if she was Jewish.
She acted insulted and claim...
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Musings-from-the-Holy-landland-of-milk-and-honey-and-chutspa--58.htmlBig difference between Israelis and Arabs,muslims
I am writing from Carmiel, a newish town in the mountains 45 minutes east of Haifa.
From my friend's balcony, I see an arab town and can hear the beautiful muslim call to prayer.
If we were in Syria..........they would not allow a jewish call to prayer from loud speakers.
I was reading the instructions for my friends anti-depressant medication.
The instructions are in Hebrew, English and Arabic.
Think about it.................
It is standard for instructions and traffic signs t...
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Big-difference-between-Israelis-and-Arabsmuslims--40.htmlVentimiglia - Boys night out...
I arrived in Ventimiglia (or French version VentiMille) 1.07am, last train to or from the station until 5am. So I had couple of hours there. Even though all the bars, cafes and shops were closed, there was a man in between the standing trains...selling snacks, drinks and beer. What a great idea! Of course I had one...and a few more.
Fortunately I wasn't the only one waiting in the station, lots of sleeping people in there, even one father with his two children, seemed to be from USA.
I was...
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Ventimiglia---Boys-night-out--35.htmlMorocco myths and reality
Hmm, great title. Unfortunately I don’t really know about any myths. But I know about the impression Morocco might leave. It might leave the impression that everyone are using drugs, everyone are selling drugs, everyone are drinking, everyone are trying to rip you off, everyone are trying to sell you something, all Moroccan men are spending their days in the cafeterias in the streets, the police is corrupt, people are dirty, there’s disease everywhere, there’s lots of poor people and so on.
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Morocco-myths-and-reality--24.htmlStudents and English teachers in Morocco
When you first enter Morocco, you are required to fill out a form and fill in fields such as your name, your flight number, your departure airport, the place you’re going to stay in Morocco, reason for traveling and your occupation. In most cases feel free to write down your correct occupation. However, not every time might it be a good idea.
Jailing local journalists in Morocco isn’t very uncommon practice. Back in 2003 journalists were sentenced to prison for insulting the monarch. In 2007...
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Students-and-English-teachers-in-Morocco--21.htmlMorocco and dealing with street sellers
When in Morocco you’ll get in contact with a lot of people who want to sell you something. One theory says that you shouldn’t even answer them and move on or watch in a different direction. While it might work, I don’t like that much plus in many cases it might not work anyhow.
The reason I don’t like it – maybe it’s just me but it’s not polite. While they might want to sell you something, it IS their job and why should you be impolite towards people just doing their job? And the other thing ...
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Morocco-and-dealing-with-street-sellers--20.htmlJourney To Morocco and Western Sahara – hmm, occupation?
Foreign journalists or people working in the fields related are not very welcome in Morocco and especially in Western Sahara. So writers of any kind usually tend to claim some other title when asked for occupation.
Before going to Laayoune couple of days back me and my friend had stayed in Agadir for two days, walking in every possible direction, so we already knew our way to the beach (not always did we know the way back, but that’s already a different story). And we also knew that there’s a...
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Journey-To-Morocco-and-Western-Sahara-hmm-occupation--13.htmlJourney To Morocco and Western Sahara – Laayoune, Western Sahara (meeting with Islam)
„My name is Islam,” said the local guy from Laayoune couple of minutes after starting a conversation with us. He had come to speak to us in order to practice English and talk to foreigners in Laayoune. And it was quite obvious we weren’t from around there due to our skin color and hair.
Islam has a dream, the American dream. He wants to go to the United States of America and work as an auto mechanic, occupation he knew quite much about, having worked on the same job in Laayoune since young a...
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