Travelling in 2's - Tips on how to travel successfully as a couple

If you have ever gone to a holiday, you will definitely not argue with me when I say that the experience is rewarding. However, when it comes to travelling with your partner, travelling becomes not only a moment of joy, but an opportunity to share and get to know each other better. But how do you ensure you will reap the most out of your holiday travel?

Tip #1: Planning- Know your niche and divide the tasks
Commence your planning by figuring out responsibilities each of you would be most willing to handle. Maybe you like searching for the airfare and she likes choosing the restaurants. The idea in this step is to allocate each other those tasks that he or she fills comfortable and passionate pursuing. You can make the process more fun by offering each other suggestions of activities you think the other would like to undertake and have them approve the suggestion; do this in turns. Consult each other and above all, make sure to maintain open communication. This makes traveling fun right from beginning.

Tip #2: Take care of each other
Have in mind that your partner may not match up to your level of activity. If you are a man, understand that she may not be able to keep up with the intensity of your exercise and she will most likely like to have frequent breaks than you would like. Be mindful of your partner’s mood. Travelling can be stressful when there are activities that one does not want to participate in, you are hungry or felling extremely tired.

As bad as this may sound, it is at times best to get out of schedule or miss some activities other than force your partner into them. If anything, your travel will create life time memories and the last thing you want is him or her remembering how much you pressured her/him to do things she never enjoyed.

Just to give you some tricks, retreating to the hotel for a nap when one says he or she feels tired works. Additionally, when out in the field; make sure to carry some refreshments and enough water.

Interact with the community
When on a tour just the two of you, do not hide away from the world. Go out and talk to the locals, immerse yourself in their culture or other travelers and make friends. It is always good to get a taste of other people lifestyle and this will help you create lasting memories and bond. However, have in mind that this should only be done during daytime. Avoid being out late at night or meeting people in secluded places. Doing so may land you in trouble.

Tip #4: Spend time apart
Even to the strongest of relationships, staying together 24/7 for 7days straight can get aggravating. Take some time alone and do things you would want to. Grab a quick bite, go for a run and re-converse after several hours. Everyone needs some space alone and this is refreshing. However, do not move further away from your hotel. Ideally, engage in different activities but within your hotel compound.

Tip #5: Have a sexy date night
While still on travel, take your time and organize a romantic dinner and spark up the romance. Utilize your hotel to the fullest and spend quality time with your loved one. This way, by the time you are getting back home, you will be feeling like that tour was the best thing in your life and you will both be willing to plan another one.

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