Drinking, drining, drinking...

Why? I guess the main thing is....or at least one of the main things is the fact that I'm travelling alone and not really looking for company. I actually like it by myself. Sure, sometimes meeting new people is great, can't argue with that, but when you're travelling alone, it gives you something. Can't even say what, but it does give you something. And I like beer. Even though while at home, I don't drink alone, except for some casual beers next do lunch...or instead of it, while travelling ... read more

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Akathor - beer, people and live music

Its' 8pm, why am I in this pub, Akathor again? Is it fairly "cheap" beer for another hour? Are the nice looking waitresses that attract me? Is it the non-horrible-sounding live music? Or is it the crowd in the hundred tables around me that makes me wanna come back here? Because the place is so big, the service isn't always the fastest, but at the same time, usually nothing to complain about either. You don't get the attention might want to get and what you do get in smaller bar and pubs. It'... read more

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