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Where the hell is Azerbaijan?

The Cheers Travel /
Israel - Israel travel journal. / post by Seymour Lipschitz

Now this was hilarious.................I am sitting at an outdoor cafe in Holon/ Avi's place and I meet these old codger dudes from Azerbaijan.....a muslim country.

Where? Try Turkey and go to the south east............

One guy is about 65....has half his teeth. Tanned and hardly speaks Hebrew though he has been in Israel for 5 years.

The other has alcohol tremors and had half his teeth which are dentures.........

The third is about 35 and served in the Israeli army and speaks Hebrew.

I ask them where is Azerbaijan. They are all Jewish.

The 65 year old grabs my map of Israel and points to the north east of Israel and says that is where Azerbaijan is.

The young guy calls him an idiot......because it is a map of only Israel.

Another Azerbajani guy comes to the table wearing a cowboy hat.

I take his picture.

Two of the guys invite me to dinner with them.

The 65 year old orders arak/vodka and shishkabobs.

We eat them and try to wave off the many flies that land on our meat.

Such is israel.

Every question I ask them about Azerbajan results in an argument.............hilarious..............

I ask if the jews and muslims there get argument.

I ask them how many jews there are now in Azerbaijan.........someone says 150,000..............another argument.

I ask them whom they know from US television.

They say Charlie Chaplin and Michael Jackson.

Seriously.........because of Abraham Lincoln's first name.....Abraham........they think he was jewish...........hilarious........

.............this is the way most people in the world are.........unschooled and unsophisticated.........but........with hearts of gold.

Pure joy.

This is what happens when you are open to people in Israel.

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