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Musings from the land of milk and honey...and I don't mean Hollywood

The Cheers Travel /
Israel - Israel travel journal. / post by Seymour Lipschitz

Joys and sorrows of Israel.

Israel spends about 20% of its GNP on defence.

USA spends about 3 to 5%.

No choice.

At the Canadian-Israeli Sport Center in Metula, north Israel, I went downstairs to the bowling area.

It was a riot to watch these religious Israeli kids, somewith long earlocks...payesses...trying to bowl.

They were totally untaught. Holding the ball wrong....bowling it wrong etc.

Sometimes 3 of them would be at the line goofing off together.

At times, I offered $5 if a kid would bowl a strike.
Or $20 if a kid could make a 6-10 split.

I gladly gave up a few bucks for good shots.

Then, I talked to a counsellor who told me that all these kids were part of a group getting recreation opportunities due to each of them losing a parent or sibling to terrorism.

And these kids were having a great time.

Of course, my whole perception of what I was viewing changed.

I bought some chips for all and felt kind of helpless and sad about their situation.

This is Israel.

So outside, when they were going to their buses, I took some photos of kids mugging for the shots, wild and crazy just like other kids......

....and I saw this 12 year old kid on crutches with one leg.

I asked a counsellor what happened to him.

The counselor said that he lived near Nablus, on the West Bank and one terrorist broke into his house and killed his mother and 3 siblings.

He was lying there...apparently OK.

The Israeli army came. Maybe they thought only the terrorist was alive there.

So they threw in a grenade to kill the terrorist, and it blew off the kid's leg.

What more can be said?

The charity is called "One Family."

It is based in Israel but has an office in NY City.

Of the 5 counsellors at the bowling alley, only one was paid. the others were volunteers.

Thus most donations go to the kids.

You may find it online by googling "one family charity Israel."

"Am Yisrael Chai" (to the people of Israel...Life!)

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