5 weeks in israel........political report from an american

The Cheers Travel /
Israel - Israel travel journal. / post by Seymour Lipschitz

I spent 5 weeks in Israel for my 8th trip there.

My brother has lived there since 1986.

I would like to report that Israelis are understandably in a "siege mentality."

Their farmers' livestock are being stolen by the Arabs and Bedouins, and Israeli law does not allow them to defend themselves against the theft.

Israelis cant wear Jewish symbols or head coverings WITHIN Israel in certain areas without

Harassment or physical attack in their own country, by Arabs.

If Israel attempts to move Arabs or Bedouins who are illegally squatting on land in Israel---- international news reports it in a biased anti-Israeli slant.

No wonder Israelis are opposed to giving up more land.

They feel on the defensive in their own country and, rightfully so.

I don't know why this information never seems to be reported in the international press.

Steve Harvith


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